The true value
of coaching
lies in the results.
I am fortunate to collaborate with a diverse range of clients and organizations, spanning from multinational corporations to innovative startups across various industries. My role encompasses coaching both teams and corporate leaders, often necessitating a tailored and integrated approach. As each project is unique, I do not use a one-size-fits-all process. Instead, I would like to highlight a few specific corporate projects to illustrate my approach and the outcomes we have accomplished.

Cultivating a Cohesive Team Culture for Enhanced Performance
MNC: Team of 12


A team of highly skilled individuals faced issues of isolation, disjointedness, and a lack of shared purpose. This placed an undue burden on their team leader, who was feeling overwhelmed. He wanted to transform not only his own leadership but also that of his team, fostering interdependence and striving for improved performance with greater ease.
12-Month Journey:
Building Trust: We used various team awareness- deepening exercises to foster trust among team members, a fundamental pillar for performance improvement.
Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA): To assess the team's collective leadership capabilities, we conducted a CLA at the project's outset.
Workshops: Over the year, we organized five workshops. These sessions helped the team a common purpose, vision, key objectives, and goals, aligning them with the overall company’s business strategy.
Team Development Plan: We meticulously outlined a comprehensive team development plan in line with the overarching business action plans.
Progress Assessment: Nine months in, we conducted a follow-up CLA to gauge the progress.

The team's Collective Leadership scores notably improved over nine months.
Across-the-board business KPIs exhibited significant growth.
The team grew closer, embracing a new spirit of interdependence that extended throughout the rest of the organization.
Team members valued their enhanced relationships and collaborative approach to problem-solving and issue resolution.
Foster a Harmonious Team Culture for a Happy, Thriving and Fulfilling Work Environment
MNC: 40 in organization (8 in leadership team)
Team members operated in isolated silos, with a significant portion of the organization experiencing overwork, a lack of appreciation, unheard voices, and an imbalance between work and life. A trust deficit among colleagues was evident, compounded by perceived shortcomings in the decision-making process at the leadership level. The leadership recognized these issues and sought to create a more joyful work environment to foster higher engagement and performance.
10-Month Journey:
Comprehensive Assessment: We initiated a comprehensive assessment, which encompassed interviews with key leaders and the distribution of a Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA) survey throughout the organization. This approach allowed us to gather a diverse range of perspectives.
Team Charter: At the program's culmination, we crafted a team charter that encapsulated the organization's purpose, vision, values, leadership principles, and behaviours, all aligned with business objectives and goals.
Structured Workshops: Over the program's duration, we conducted five workshops, comprising three leadership team sessions and two sessions with broader representation from the organization. This inclusive approach ensured input was gathered at every stage of the transformation, fostering buy-in and engagement from all stakeholders.
Team Development as the Foundation: Central to our approach was laying the groundwork for the team to thrive together. We prioritized increasing psychological safety within the team, encouraging constructive support and challenge among members.

Established Leadership Principles and Behaviors: The program successfully instilled clear leadership principles and behaviours throughout the organization, establishing a robust foundation for a company culture that is universally understood and embraced.
Enhanced Team Unity: The leadership team achieved a high level of unity, with this cohesion extending to wider teams and functions.
Focus on Continuous Improvement: The organization now places a strong emphasis on continuous improvement, actively seeking opportunities for progress as a cohesive unit and confronting any challenges that may arise.
Redefined Ways of Working: New approaches to work have been defined and seamlessly integrated into the business processes, aligning with the organization's purpose, vision, and values.

This case exemplifies how our approach led to the enduring establishment of leadership principles, strengthened team unity, and a collective commitment to ongoing growth and resilience.
The Pursuit of Purposeful Impact
SME: Team of 8

The organization grappled with challenges in meeting its Sustainability Development Goals. While the team was harmonious, this harmony masked the absence of healthy disagreement or diverse opinions. This lack of psychological safety hindered constructive dialogue.
4-Month Journey:
Team-Centric Development Workshop: We conducted an intensive workshop focused on aligning the team's objectives with their overarching vision. The aim was to bridge the gap between their current status and future aspirations, with a particular emphasis on enhancing collective team leadership.
Skill Enhancement Workshop: Another workshop was dedicated to honing essential skills and nurturing team awareness, all in support of the organization's goal attainment. We employed the Inner Development Goals Framework for this purpose.

Heightened Team Awareness: These initiatives significantly boosted the team's collective awareness.
Enhanced Cohesion: The team's unity deepened, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie.
Concrete Action Plans: Clear action plans were devised, providing a focused roadmap for progress and goal achievement. The team is equipped with the tools and clarity necessary to advance toward their objectives, ultimately making a more impactful contribution.
Enhance team effectiveness and boost overall engagement.
SME: Team of 5 

The founder of the business had been grappling with the recurring issue of employee turnover and the constant need for re-training. There was engagement issues and team members were not committed.
4 months Process
Creating Team Awareness and Vision: The program commenced with a workshop aimed at creating a collective sense of awareness within the team and establishing a shared vision. This process also involved crafting a comprehensive team development plan.
Aligning with Company Purpose and Vision: In the second workshop, we directed the team's attention toward the broader company purpose and vision. Together, we defined key areas of focus required to bring that vision to fruition. Additionally, we formalized company values and leadership behaviours, culminating in the creation of a company culture charter.
Elevated Team Awareness: The team experienced a noticeable increase in collective awareness. Individuals became more courageous in expressing their thoughts and actively supporting one another.
Sharper Focus and Enhanced Engagement: There emerged a clear and intensified commitment to tasks aligned with business objectives. This new-found focus not only benefitted the business but also contributed to strengthening team cohesiveness and a high-performing team ultimately leading to improved employee retention and a more thriving organizational culture.